I have never liked cooking, or at least I did not feel the need for cooking. I have started my cooking adventure with readymade intermediate products or instant sauces. What I cared about then was to get it done fast with little time and effort. With time however, I desired to change something, take a better care about my wellbeing. At first it used to be small changes – removing some of the readymade products from my diet, later I have removed completely instant sauces, microwave dishes to replace them with homemade food. I have started to experiment with new spices and ingredients, and lots of them soon became my regular cooking products.
The last several years I have spent in kitchen experimenting with new products bringing my ideas to life. All those experiments that were successful and well tested on myself, my relatives and friends I share with you on this blog. I focus on dishes that are light healthy and tasty at the same time. I try to avoid highly processed food, intermediates, salt, and sugar. I hate carbonated drinks, greasy food, and corn, on the other hand I enjoy salmon, dark chocolate, and strawberries.
The only thing that links me with my culinary past before my kitchen revolution is the fact that I adore eating. Finally I eat tasty and I have someone to share my cooking with.
I like culinary books, I like buying them to later browse them for hours in search for inspiration. They enable me discovering new ingredients and flavor combinations that I later use in my own recipes. I would like our blog to become inspiration for you to start experimenting in your cooking.
The remaining thing to say is that I wish you all enjoy your meal!:)