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Healthy Eating = Healthy Living


About us

I have never liked cooking, or at least I did not feel the need for cooking. I have started my cooking adventure with readymade intermediate products or instant sauces. What I cared about then was to get it done fast with little time and effort. With time however, I desired to change something, take a better care about my wellbeing. At first it used to be small changes – removing some of the readymade products from my diet, later I have removed completely instant sauces, microwave dishes to replace them with homemade food. I have started to experiment with new spices and ingredients, and lots of them soon became my regular cooking products.

The last several years I have spent in kitchen experimenting with new products bringing my ideas to life. All those experiments that were successful and well tested on myself, my relatives and friends I share with you on this blog. I focus on dishes that are light healthy and tasty at the same time. I try to avoid highly processed food, intermediates, salt, and sugar. I hate carbonated drinks, greasy food, and corn, on the other hand I enjoy salmon, dark chocolate, and strawberries.

The only thing that links me with my culinary past before my kitchen revolution is the fact that I adore eating. Finally I eat tasty and I have someone to share my cooking with.

I like culinary books, I like buying them to later browse them for hours in search for inspiration. They enable me discovering new ingredients and flavor combinations that I later use in my own recipes. I would like our blog to become inspiration for you to start experimenting in your cooking.

The remaining thing to say is that I wish you all enjoy your meal!:)

I am a mother of two lively boys, thanks to whom I have learned to organize my time well ahead, leaving the time for cooking as well as for other activities. My boys are my best motivation for creative thinking in kitchen with sterling products. Their mom’s cuisine is something they will remember for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is worth to invest time and energy in preparing homemade meals.

I have inherited my love to cooking from my grandmother and from my father. I have adored spending long hours in kitchen watching them cook and also helping from time to time. Despite my grandmother and my father cooking was not always healthy, now I try to do my best and pass the cooking passion to my sons. The older one likes to be cooking aid so we often learn by doing and experimenting together. After giving a birth to my first son I have decided to take a better care of myself and my family. I have removed totally part of the products I used to employ in my cooking, or I have replaced them with healthy substitutes, which stayed with me until today. Healthy eating before, during and after my second pragnency helped me to recover fast without renunciations.

I prefer light kitchen full of aromatic herbs. I am passionate about combinations of poultry with fruits, fish, colorful salads, ice-cream desserts and cheesecakes in any form. I do not fancy olives, raisins nor pumpkin.

I urge you to browse our blog often as the database of recipes is constantly growing. We are looking all the time for new ideas and publish them as soon as they are tested.